Without the others we cannot be ourselves
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Mary, gift of the Spirit for the Church, for the Salesian Family and for all Humanity

There are various charisms, but only one Spirit; there are different ministries, but only one Lord; there are different works, but only one God, who works everything in all. And to each one a particular manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.... But all these things are driven by the one and the same Spirit who animates them, distributing them to each one as he wishes. (1 Cor 12:12-30)
It is on these words of St Paul that the message of the Salesian Family's identity charter is based: we are part of a larger body, of a family where various members exchange spiritual gifts, where different charisms and the multiplicity of forces present are valued, and where each small step is part of the Trinitarian mystery and the communion of the Church.
With great wisdom, our Identity Charter reminds us that a very deep relationship is established between the various groups and that each one realizes his/her own identity, but not without reference to that of the others.
In this relationship of reciprocity, the individual groups can live out the fullness of their gifts. Because, in each dimension particular aspects of the same Charism and the same Spirit are accentuated. For this reason, none can be lacking the Salesian heart and the element of communion with the Salesian family ensures this to all.
Feeling oneself as part of the network of others, ever-aware that alone we cannot fully realize our mission -this is the consciousness that we are called to acquire and live.
In this way, the spreading of the devotion to the Mary Help of Christians and of love for Jesus in the Eucharist - which Don Bosco entrusted to ADMA - becomes a gift for the whole of the Salesian Family and find its fullness only if they are lived in communion.
In the same way, our commitment to living the spirituality of daily life, should have as its popular dimension, the special dedication to the weakest and the poorest. It can be effective only if lived within the broad horizon of the entire Salesian mission, with the awareness that -"the whole is greater than the parts", as Pope Francis reminds us (Evangelii Gaudium, 235).
As ADMA we experience more and more what is expressed in Article 30 of the Identity Charter of the Salesian Family: working together intensifies the effectiveness of our witness, makes the proclamation of the Gospel more convincing, favors a livelier apostolic charity.
In this we entrust ourselves to Mary, the lady who unites us, who weaves us together. She is our mother capable of making us part of a greater good, of stepping back so that others may strive forward.
Mary is a source of inspiration because, she is not only the Mother of the Church and Help of Christians, but also the Mother of all humanity, true bridge and bond between all people.
Only by trusting in Her, can we achieve that unity of purpose desired in our identity charter, obtain the grace of being faithful to the special covenant that the Lord has made with us, and joyfully walk together with families and young people along the path that leads to Love.