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World Confederation Mornese Past Pupils of the FMA

The Association is a group that, since October 29, 1988, became part of the Salesian Family. By its very nature, the Association is promoted by the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), or Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco. The past pupils and lay associates form a great worldwide charismatic network. As part of the Salesian Family, the Rector Major, Don Bosco's successor, is the father and center of unity. We express our identity by our Identity Document and the Charter of the Salesian Family. (Statute -Art. 1)
St. John Bosco inspired this great Movement of past pupils, making his choice that the Association becomes a direct extension of the work of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. It finds its place in society as a leaven and transforming force, which develops the charism of the FMA in creative ways in the different socio-cultural realities and geographical areas. The Association is nonpartisan and apolitical.
And it is situated as the animating nucleus of the Movement that comprises, without ethnic, social, cultural, and religious distinction, past pupils – that is, people educated in an FMA work – and the lay associates who, duly formed, are inspired by the charism of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.
The Mission of the Association mirrors that of the Salesian Family, as it is based on the same charism.
As an Association, the strong commitment to service is inherent to the spirituality of the Past Pupil of the FMA. Everyone contributes responsibly to the affirmation of the values that underlie the dignity of the human person operating in the different areas of activity in the Church, in the family, at work, in the political and social world, at school, at leisure, and in social communication.
Moreover, in the spirit of Don Bosco and of Mother Mazzarello, the Past Pupils pay particular attention to girls, women, young people. In a specific way, those in situations of poverty and exclusion. They get them involved and make them protagonists of their integral education and vocational choice.
The primary purpose of the Association is education, both at a personal level and for the Association.
Every level of the Association's structure, rich in Salesian values, promotes the education of its members, making use of the service of animation and collaboration of the FMA.
- a) It updates and looks after the education of the associates, both Catholics and of other religions, according to the values of the education received b) for the Catholic members so that they can commit themselves, by their baptism, in a journey of faith that makes them credible witnesses in the light of the Word of God and the Magisterium of the Church c) For the non-Catholic members so that in harmony with the education received in the Salesian environment, they may deepen the human and religious values of their own culture
- d) It takes care of courses, conventions, school camps, prayer meetings, social days.
- e) It proposes to the associate's open, progressive, and continuous educational paths, with particular attention to their real-life situations and needs of the time.
- f) It pays particular attention to identifying specific itineraries for those who undertake leadership roles within the Association at any membership level.
- g) It promotes the dissemination of the Association's publications, and social communication means to enhance the human person.
Every Past Pupil, aware of the gifts received for the good of all, promotes the growth of human values in oneself.
Deepening and experiencing in everyday life the values learned during their Salesian education, they become personally responsible for their formation, continuous and ongoing, towards a full lay maturity rooted in the Salesian tradition.
Relationships of Communion
The Association works in communion with the Salesian Family Groups, particularly with the Association of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco, with which it shares the common educational heritage.
The Association also collaborates with other Catholic groups and civil institutions with which it shares values and goals.
Maria Carmen Castillon
World Confederation Mornese Past Pupils of the FMA