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Hope and care for the present (ITA)

A document by Gustavo Cavagnari

Hope and care for the present (ITA)

A document by Gustavo Cavagnari

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Identity and mutation in Africa (FRN)

A document that describes the previous and current situation of the Salesian Family in the Africa region

Intervention on the Salesian Family (SPA)

A document by P. Timossi

New wine in new wineskins (ITA)

In recent years the need has been felt to outline the profile and role of the Delegate
of the Animator/Animator who carry out a spiritual animation service in the different
Associations of the Salesian Family. The significant presence of the Delegate is
in fact guarantor of the Salesian charism.

Good Christians (ITA)

How beautiful it is to understand the Salesian motto "Good Christians and honest citizens" in the context of the Lord's Prayer when he asks God "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Mt 6.10), thus discovering the reality of faith combined with the commitment to transform our society! [...]


The Salesian Movement (ITA)

It is urgent to broaden and qualify the involvement of
lay people available to become part of that vast movement of people working for salvation
of young people, inside and outside Salesian structures, in the Church and in civil institutions - Giuseppe Casti, SDB

Emerging points of the current situation of the Salesian Family (ITA)

Some emerging situations of the current situation of the Salesian Family with some reflections and organizational aspects - D. Joan Luis Playà

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Emerging points of the current situation of the Salesian Family (ENG)

Some emerging situations of the current situation of the Salesian Family with some reflections and organizational aspects - D. Joan Luis Playà

The Salesian Family after the GC28 (ITA)

The Salesian Family. A precious reality among us at the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church. Many people united by the same spirit and the same passion. If Don Bosco repeated "it is enough for me that you are young to love you", we can well say: "it is enough for us that we are from the Salesian Family to feel at home". - D. Joan Luis Playà, SDB

The Salesian Family after the GC28 (ITA)

The Salesian Family. A precious reality among us at the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church. Many people united by the same spirit and the same passion. If Don Bosco repeated "it is enough for me that you are young to love you", we can well say: "it is enough for us that we are from the Salesian Family to feel at home". - D. Joan Luis Playà, SDB

Some considerations on the current situation of the Salesian Family (ITA)

A document that wishes to describe the current situation of the Salesian Family and highlight some important points of its reflection - D. Joan Luis Playà, SDB

Dream and bet with Don Bosco for the new that God hopes for

A document whose theme is Don Bosco's dream and the bet that each of us can make together with him for the God of love who hopes for a better world every day - Gigi Ricchiardi, SDB

The Salesian Movement (ITA)

A document by Giuseppe Casti, SDB


The lay person in the Church (ITA)

A document by Renato Cursi

The lay person in the Church (SPA)

A document by Renato Cursi

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The lay person in the Church (POR)

A document by Renato Cursi


Youth and Family Ministry (ITA)

Salesian Youth Ministry and Family - constitutes for us members of the Salesian Family a strong call which in these moments of history presents itself above all as a beautiful challenge and a great opportunity - F. Attard, SDB

The encyclical Amoris Letitia (ITA)

A lucid, courageous and beautiful example of the method used by Pope Francis in the last two synods on the family - Domenico Sigalini, SDB

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Accompanying the family (ITA)

The educational approach of Amoris laetitia: train, discern, accompany! - Roberto Carelli, SDB


Blessing of Mary Help of Christians (ITA)

The blessing with the invocation of Mary Help of Christians was composed by St. John Bosco and approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites on 18 May 1878.


General postulation dossier of the Salesian saints of Don Bosco (ITA)

“The true protagonists of the new evangelization are the saints: they speak a language understandable to all with the example of life and works of charity” (Benedict XVI 23.10.2012) [...]